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Virtual Voters' Forum

Virtual Voters' Forum

5:30pm- 6:30pm for Town Board candidates

7:00 - 8:00 pm for School Board Candidates.

Due to COVID pandemic, the public will not be invited to attend in-person but, may view the broadcast live over Channel 300 or on the Town of Rome’s website The Forum will also be re-broadcast from March 18 - April 5 at Noon and 8:00pm on Channel 300 or through the live feed link above.

Be an informed voter. The April election will be held April 6th. Before you vote, hear how the candidates stand on the issues.

Submit questions by Noon March 12, 2021 at the Rome Library or in the mail slot in the Town Hall vestibule if placed in an envelope marked Voters' Forum.

Sponsored by Romemakers HCE

March 17

St. Patrick's Day Specials at Lake Sherwood Lodges

March 17

DJ Trivia at Hoozel's at the Lakes