Over 230 miles of state funded well groomed trails that twist through the forests and farmlands of Adams County weave their way through Rome. The local Sno-Bandits Snowmobile Club is dedicated to providing the finest trails for recreational family snowmobiling.
Are the Trails Open?
***ALL of the trails in Rome are currently
CLOSED as of 1/23/24.***
Rome Sno-Bandits Snowmobile Club
They are dedicated to providing the finest trails for recreational family snowmobiling. The Sno-Bandits maintain 35 miles of trail in northern Adams and southern Wood County. Enjoy your trails and please ride safely ! Their Club meetings are held at 9:00am the second Saturday of the month September thru June. Check their web page for locations or call if you would like more information.
302 13th Ave, Nekoosa, WI 54457
Join the Sno-Bandits Snowmobile Club: fill out the membership form at www.RomeSnobandits.com or print it off and mail it with a check. Or visit Camelot on the Lake, Country Sports, Evenson’s Marine, Friar Tucks, Sherwood Lodge, Lure Bar & Grill, Donahue Super Sports for an application.
Membership Includes:
Monthly newsletter, discount for the Wisconsin Trail Pass, meet and socialize with other snowmobilers, automatically become part of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs and receive seven issues of the Wisconsin Snowmobile News Magazine.
Trail Pass Information
All snowmobilers are required to purchase a Trail Pass in order to ride on any Wisconsin snowmobile trails starting this year. Information on how to purchase can be found in the image above. It is cheaper to join a club and purchase your trail pass. When you join a club and purchase your Trail Pass the money will be used locally.
Area Snowmobile Trail Map
Country Sports
Full service, outdoor equipment, motorcycles, ATV’s, UTV’s, snowmobiles, dirt bikes and scooters.
Evenson's Marine
Dealer service, motor service, engine sales, accessories and ATV's.