A Town For Winter
Rome, Wisconsin, like most cities and towns, has a slogan, or motto. For example, Las Vegas’ famous motto is; What Happens Here, Stays Here. New York boasts about being The City That Never Sleeps, and Hershey Pennsylvania is The Sweetest Place on Earth. You get the idea.
The Town of Rome could have any number of creative expressions to sum up all the things that make it such a unique and special place. Our motto could be Life is Better at the Lakes. Or, A Golfer’s Paradise. Or, The Heart of Wisconsin. Or a thousand more.
And all of them would be accurate and true. But we feel that the one we embrace, and the one we so proudly promote, sums us up better than any other:
Rome, Wisconsin - A Town For All Seasons.
Sure, our four magnificent lakes take center stage with all the exciting lake activities one would expect - swimming, boating, and fishing. And our golf courses are critically acclaimed by the experts at Golf Digest and Golfweek to be some of the best in the country.
And we’ve always been a go-to destination for hiking, biking, bird watching, festivals, outdoor concerts and movies, off-roading, trapshooting, and our ever-popular farmers’ market. In other words, when we’re talking about spring, summer, and fall, we’ve got the bases covered.
But what about winter? There are many people who like winter in Rome better than the warm weather days of the other three seasons. If asked, they might even tell you that our motto should be;
Rome, Wisconsin…A Town For Winter.
Maybe they’re right. Winter is a starkly beautiful season here. With frosty mornings, bright, crisp days and powdery snow. And there are so many things to do here in the winter - ice fishing, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, snow-shoeing, pond hockey tournaments, and winter festivals including the annual SnoBlast; Rome’s winter carnival with an endless list of activities for the whole family like snow golf, ice bowling, and lawn mower races of all things.
But my favorite winter activity of all is simply hiking, especially on one of our perfect winter days. Cold, but not too cold. You know, turtleneck and sweater weather. Maybe a jacket and gloves too, but if the sun is shining bright, not even.
In fact, I can’t think of anything more serene, more cathartic, than a walk in the woods. In summer, the woods teem with life, but curiously, it’s the winter woods that fascinate me most. The quiet of the forest under a blanket of snow. The leafless trees and ground cover amplify natural sounds and bring the wildlife out from their summer cloak. The air, so clean, so crisp, your lungs fill with pure pleasure. Indeed, trekking alone, or with friends, on one of Rome’s many trails, will take you on a journey a million miles from reality.
There are a few trails in particular, that I find especially gratifying. One of my favorites is the Ridge Trail at Sand Valley.
Starting at the clubhouse, it traverses along the ridge of the Mammoth Dunes Golf Course. The trail features expansive sand blowouts, red pine plantations, and a majestic oak savannah. Whether on foot, skis, or snowshoes, the views of the snow-covered golf course are spectacular, including vistas along ridges, some as high as 80 feet.
Another popular trail is the WRPCO Trail which is located on Apache Avenue at 16th Lane. And there’s any number of routes that zig-zag through the Town Center which is especially nice because you can take a little break along the way to do a little shopping or enjoy a hot cocoa or a cold beer along the way.
Maybe our friends are right, Rome is indeed a town for winter. So, do yourself a favor, get off the couch, lace up your boots, go outside, and take a hike.
Written by: Lydell Capritta