Lean about the NEW 14 Mile Watershed Alliance at a free online event at the 2021 Wisconsin Water Week.
This year’s theme is “Navigating in Turbulent Times” and will spotlight ways water groups are continuing their work in the face of unprecedented challenges. We are proud to give a public shout-out to the local 14-mile Watershed group located in Rome who will be a presenter at this year’s water convention. Their specific presentation information is below.
To register: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lf-iqrDgiG9x3tGeKjaRTF5X_q4C18Rj_
For more information: Contact Karen, 14 Mile Watershed: 14milewatershed@gmail.com
To read more on the overall virtual lineup and register to join the multi-day event, access the online link below.
Online: https://wisconsinwaterweek.swoogo.com/wisconsinwaterweek/873597
Price: $20 per day